Friday, August 30, 2013


We had a great but HOT week of school!  We are really getting into the routines and figuring out how to make our class run smoothly and effectively!  Below is the weekly newsletter....for more info on exactly what we focused on.

Also...I'm sending home a order for for our classroom t-shirts!  I am so E-X-C-I-T-E-D about these....they are adorable.  Please send in the completed form with your money ASAP, but no later than next Friday, Sept. 6th.  We are really hoping to have them in time for the field trip to the zoo in October (more info to come on this later!)  Here's the website for the company we are ordering the t-shirts through: Whitney Daniels Designs  Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Specials Rotation!

Just a quick note in regards to the days our class has the various "Specials" classes:

Day 1 - Library
Day 2 - Music
Day 3 - Computer Lab
Day 4 - P.E.
Day 5 - Art

Remember...this year it's a continual rotation, so holidays, breaks, etc. won't affect it at all. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Day 4, so our class has P.E.   I hope that explanation makes sense...let me know if you have any questions!
~Mrs. Davies

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Off to a great start!

Every year the first few days of the new school year seem to be a whirlwind of activities, procedures, emotions, and exhaustion!  I'm always thankful for a shortened week because we all know how the transition from summer to "school-mode" can be hard!

I am T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D with my new class of 2nd graders and I can't wait to get to know them better and who they are as individuals.  This first week was filled with many activities that allowed us to get to know one another better and ways to make our classroom run smoothly over the course of the year.

A BIG "thank you" shout-out to all those who sent in much needed donations for our classroom this year so far!  I truly appreciate you helping our classroom by providing these items for us.

If I could give any advice at this point in time of the year it would be to have your child really start reading at home more (trust me...I know as a parent how easy that is to dismiss over the course of the summer!) and get back into making this a regular habit.  Encourage your child to read whatever they enjoy and find interesting!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and please don't forget to mark your calendar for the upcoming "Curriculum Night" on Tuesday evening, August 27th.  More details to come soon!
~Mrs. Davies