Thursday, December 12, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What a week...

we had!  Check out all the happenings we had going on!  Also, just a reminder....the 2nd grade program is Monday evening at 6:00 pm.  Please have your kiddo in our classroom at 5:45 pm ready to go in their costume.  It's an adorable program!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Busy days in 2nd grade!

Happy Sunday everyone!
Here's what we've been up to this past week in our classroom!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The leaves are falling....

and autumn is in full swing!  Here's what we've been up to in Room 119 this week!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcoming November...

Check out what we've been up to!  Don't forget...there will be an assembly this Wednesday, November 6th at 2:30 pm.  They will start the assembly with fundraising information but it will end with the "Pie in the Face" event!  Mr. Bonnel, Mrs. Twiehaus and I are going to be the unlucky...*ahem*...I mean lucky participants!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What a great week!

Thank you to all the parents who helped make our field trip to the zoo a success!
The kids had a BLAST!
Here's what we've been up to this week....

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013


We've been busy!  Don't forget this upcoming week is S*P*I*R*I*T Week!

Friday, September 20, 2013

What a F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C Week!

We had a wonderful week in 2nd grade and worked very hard! 
Check out all the things we are learning...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!

Enjoy your weekend with your's a "Peek at our Week"!

Friday, August 30, 2013


We had a great but HOT week of school!  We are really getting into the routines and figuring out how to make our class run smoothly and effectively!  Below is the weekly newsletter....for more info on exactly what we focused on.

Also...I'm sending home a order for for our classroom t-shirts!  I am so E-X-C-I-T-E-D about these....they are adorable.  Please send in the completed form with your money ASAP, but no later than next Friday, Sept. 6th.  We are really hoping to have them in time for the field trip to the zoo in October (more info to come on this later!)  Here's the website for the company we are ordering the t-shirts through: Whitney Daniels Designs  Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Specials Rotation!

Just a quick note in regards to the days our class has the various "Specials" classes:

Day 1 - Library
Day 2 - Music
Day 3 - Computer Lab
Day 4 - P.E.
Day 5 - Art

Remember...this year it's a continual rotation, so holidays, breaks, etc. won't affect it at all. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Day 4, so our class has P.E.   I hope that explanation makes sense...let me know if you have any questions!
~Mrs. Davies

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Off to a great start!

Every year the first few days of the new school year seem to be a whirlwind of activities, procedures, emotions, and exhaustion!  I'm always thankful for a shortened week because we all know how the transition from summer to "school-mode" can be hard!

I am T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D with my new class of 2nd graders and I can't wait to get to know them better and who they are as individuals.  This first week was filled with many activities that allowed us to get to know one another better and ways to make our classroom run smoothly over the course of the year.

A BIG "thank you" shout-out to all those who sent in much needed donations for our classroom this year so far!  I truly appreciate you helping our classroom by providing these items for us.

If I could give any advice at this point in time of the year it would be to have your child really start reading at home more (trust me...I know as a parent how easy that is to dismiss over the course of the summer!) and get back into making this a regular habit.  Encourage your child to read whatever they enjoy and find interesting!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and please don't forget to mark your calendar for the upcoming "Curriculum Night" on Tuesday evening, August 27th.  More details to come soon!
~Mrs. Davies

Friday, July 19, 2013

Why do you teach?!?

Going into my 6th year of teaching...this is still a question, believe it or not, I get asked from people "out there" quite a bit.  Or oftentimes, I will get the comment, "I don't know how you do that everyday".  I don't fault them...many simply don't understand.  It's not for the money.  It's not for the fame.  It's not because it's easy.  So, why do I teach?

I initially graduated with my degree in Psychology with dreams of working in the "Corporate World" in some fast-rising company in their Human Resources department.  I fulfilled this dream and for five years made good money, had three promotions and what did I have to show for it?  NOTHING.  I hated it.  I realized that everything I wanted so bad was not truly what I wanted at all.  I wanted to make a difference and this was not the way I wanted to do it.

Around this time I had recently become married and told my husband what I was feeling.  Yes, this would mean going back to school.  Yes, this would mean more student loans.  And yes, this would mean....dare I say it...quitting my well-paying, well-worked for J-O-B.

But, I would be pursuing a dream that I didn't listen to earlier in my life.  I would be making the difference in the life of a child.  I won't lie and say the road has been's been anything but that.  I've had to make many sacrifices to get where I'm at today, many at the cost of my family.  Without their love, support and encouragement I wouldn't have been able to do it.  But, I wouldn't change anything.  I know that I've made the right decision when the beginning of August comes around and I can't wait to get back into my classroom.  I know I've made the right decision when the one child I've struggled with all year, gives me a hug on the last day of school and tells me I'm the best teacher they've ever had.  I know I've made the right decision when I see an old student at Target and they run up and give me a huge hug and say they miss me.  I know I've made the right decision when I see that light.  You know...that light!  The light that makes it ALL worth it when they "get it" and it all comes together.

I found this clip...don't worry it's not long.  But I would ask that you take the 1 minute and 24 seconds to realize why those of us who are so passionate about our profession do what we do.  This is what it's all about for me as a teacher.

So, when people ask me, "Why do you teach?!?" why.

~Mrs. Davies

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Add it up...up...up! Add it up...up...up!

One of the first things in 2nd grade we begin working on shortly after school starts are practicing and memorizing our addition & subtraction facts to 20!  This is such an important skill with the key word being memorizing the facts.  Our class participates in a what we call "bubble gum facts" where the kiddos will learn certain levels of number facts until both addition/subtraction facts to 20 are completed and memorized.  Students will be sent home with a certain level to practice, when they are fluent in it, parents will send back in the signed level sheet and the child will be tested.  Once they pass one level, they will go on to the next and a new level will be sent home.

One question I often get can I practice the facts with my child at home?  There are numerous ideas floating around the internet, these are just a few suggestions to get you started.

The following clip is of a game we play in class and it's easy to make and play with your child at home.  It's called Kaboom!  Watch the clip and Mr. Smith (who is a ROCKSTAR 1st grade teacher!) does an amazing job with explaining how to make it and play it with your child.

Another fun and interactive website that has TONS of math and literacy ideas is  Math Facts Basketball is a favorite of the kids and can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division!   

Of course, there's also the ol' fashioned worksheet method too...I know this can help if you are timing your kiddo and want them to practice getting the facts quickly in a certain amount of time.  Super Teacher Worksheets is a great site with lots of printables that you can use and print out at home.

Well...hopefully this will help get you started with some ideas as we begin the addition and subtraction facts for your 2nd grader!  See you soon!
~Mrs. Davies

Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Well, here we are!  Our little corner of the "blogosphere" where I would love to be able to communicate regularly with my students' parents about all the wonderful things we are doing in our 2nd grade classroom!  Not only do I envision this being a great form of communication to foster the school-home relationship but a way for parents to get ideas on how to help their children succeed at school through various activities at home.

The following chart lists some reminders for parents at the beginning of school on how to better help their 2nd grader at home throughout the upcoming year.

Reading is such an important skill that we continue to work on in 2nd grade.  One of the more popular series that the kiddos always enjoy are the "Magic Treehouse" books.  I bit the bullet and ordered the entire 50+ book set last year and the students L-O-V-E-D them!  If you are looking for books to buy for your child, this is one series I always recommend, particularly for this age.  Here's a link to the website where your child can explore and read all about the different books in the series.

Math is another area of strong focus we will work on this year, using our math series "Everyday Mathematics".  Technology at the elementary level is a huge passion of mine and I encourage parents to download any of the "Everyday Mathematics" apps that are available on the app store.  Here's a link to the various ones available to download.  Periodically, they will be free for a certain period of time, so keep your eye on them!  :)

You can support our classroom by following this blog (see the button on the left side!) and keeping up on the various things we are learning and creating in our room.  I would appreciate it so much!  I leave you with the following poem below.....and I look forward to an amazing year with your child!

~Mrs. Davies