Saturday, November 23, 2013

What a week...

we had!  Check out all the happenings we had going on!  Also, just a reminder....the 2nd grade program is Monday evening at 6:00 pm.  Please have your kiddo in our classroom at 5:45 pm ready to go in their costume.  It's an adorable program!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Busy days in 2nd grade!

Happy Sunday everyone!
Here's what we've been up to this past week in our classroom!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The leaves are falling....

and autumn is in full swing!  Here's what we've been up to in Room 119 this week!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcoming November...

Check out what we've been up to!  Don't forget...there will be an assembly this Wednesday, November 6th at 2:30 pm.  They will start the assembly with fundraising information but it will end with the "Pie in the Face" event!  Mr. Bonnel, Mrs. Twiehaus and I are going to be the unlucky...*ahem*...I mean lucky participants!