Friday, July 19, 2013

Why do you teach?!?

Going into my 6th year of teaching...this is still a question, believe it or not, I get asked from people "out there" quite a bit.  Or oftentimes, I will get the comment, "I don't know how you do that everyday".  I don't fault them...many simply don't understand.  It's not for the money.  It's not for the fame.  It's not because it's easy.  So, why do I teach?

I initially graduated with my degree in Psychology with dreams of working in the "Corporate World" in some fast-rising company in their Human Resources department.  I fulfilled this dream and for five years made good money, had three promotions and what did I have to show for it?  NOTHING.  I hated it.  I realized that everything I wanted so bad was not truly what I wanted at all.  I wanted to make a difference and this was not the way I wanted to do it.

Around this time I had recently become married and told my husband what I was feeling.  Yes, this would mean going back to school.  Yes, this would mean more student loans.  And yes, this would mean....dare I say it...quitting my well-paying, well-worked for J-O-B.

But, I would be pursuing a dream that I didn't listen to earlier in my life.  I would be making the difference in the life of a child.  I won't lie and say the road has been's been anything but that.  I've had to make many sacrifices to get where I'm at today, many at the cost of my family.  Without their love, support and encouragement I wouldn't have been able to do it.  But, I wouldn't change anything.  I know that I've made the right decision when the beginning of August comes around and I can't wait to get back into my classroom.  I know I've made the right decision when the one child I've struggled with all year, gives me a hug on the last day of school and tells me I'm the best teacher they've ever had.  I know I've made the right decision when I see an old student at Target and they run up and give me a huge hug and say they miss me.  I know I've made the right decision when I see that light.  You know...that light!  The light that makes it ALL worth it when they "get it" and it all comes together.

I found this clip...don't worry it's not long.  But I would ask that you take the 1 minute and 24 seconds to realize why those of us who are so passionate about our profession do what we do.  This is what it's all about for me as a teacher.

So, when people ask me, "Why do you teach?!?" why.

~Mrs. Davies

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post and insight into who you are as a person Wendy! I know I used to get so tired of people asking me why I taught. I thought, just look at those little faces and ask yourself why you DON'T teach!!!!

    I really do hope you continue on your blogging journey this year. You insights and information are such a great help not only to parents, but other elementary teachers as well. If I were a parent of one of your students I would be THRILLED to have a teacher who was willing to keep me up-to-date on what is happening in the classroom, and offer me ideas of how to help best support my child.
